quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2024

Dry Fish

I feel trapped into this aging body
Drowning in oxygen,
Pulsing blood against my will
I don't know why I'm so scared
To face my rotting paintings
The bugs that infested my past
The webs, the dust
The dirt and stains on the walls
The holes
What is so scary about an old building,
Which used to smell fresh 
Wall painting and cement
Taste like red new bricks
Right out of the oven
From another abandoned house
That fell apart
To become the mud that makes
The new foundation
And it's all about to collapse again
What about the cycle,
If the end doesn't exist?
Why am I so scared to leave,
And so willing to,
If we don't end
Is peace an actual feeling?
Have I been drowing my entire life?
What was my first breath
My first pain
The first color that my eyes acknowledged 
When did I start to be?
I wonder what will be my last
Day and photo that my mind takes
Unnoticed, expecting for a future
For a nostalgic peek 
That will never come
I wonder how am I supposed
To stand existence
If I'm soaked in pain and guilt
If my days are foggy
And I feel the air as a dark grey texture
That peels me away
For me to become a flavored breeze
I wonder 
If there's still anything for me to feel
That my give some worth
To my stay

terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2024

quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2024


Meu corpo não esquenta
Acho que meu termômetro está quebrado
Minha mãe me comprou um novo
Acho que esse não serve
Talvez seja a chama piloto
Que esteja apagada demais
Para alcançar meus braços
Talvez me falte combustível
Meu pente saiu limpo
Acho que são boas novas
Mas eu ronco sem fome
Sem fome de vida,
De me manter aqui
E não sei onde procurar minhas calças
Eu congelo por dentro
Pra não arder em chamas
Talvez eu precise de combustível
Mas o quão perigoso isso seria?
Se eu me ateasse fogo,
Será que resolvia
Se eu cortasse as cordas
Será que meu sangue pararia
De pulsar sobre as minhas têmporas
Como desviasse o caminho do peito
Como esquecesse de funcionar
Se eu jogasse meus pertences num saco
Preto e amarrasse
Quanta falta eles me fariam?
Não me resta muito o que tentar
Ou talvez reste
Mas já não me restam tentativas
Meu corpo pede clemência
Um fim digno de guerra
Pois que de tanto tentar ser eu
Está em cinzas
E eu gostaria que alguém as enterrasse
Mas também não faria diferença

sábado, 20 de julho de 2024

Do 23° andar

Faz tempo que não tenho um diário.
Que não rabisco, que não desenho
Que não escrevo poemas à mão
Ou não perco folhas importantes.
Faz tempo q eu não coloro meu livrinho
Com minhas canetinhas
Pacientemente, até o fim
Que não fico feliz com o resultado
Com o desenvolvimento,
Com a percepção de ser um novo eu.
Por que eu tenho medo
De me ver sobre um papel?
São 5 da manhã e que vontade que eu sinto
De começar um diário novo.
De escrever e rabiscar e desenhar
E listar no papel todas as minhas importâncias
Todas as minhas vielas
E o que se acumula entre elas
Eu penso que estou deitada
Que não é hora
Que estou cansada 
Nada disso me impediria no passado
Mas algo me engole no processo
Tudo que eu consigo pensar é
Em como desejo fechar meus dois olhos
E ir pra um mundo onde eu sei que alguém me abraça
Mesmo que seja o diabo
Mesmo que seja uma cobra
Ou um escorpião
Eu desejo fugir dessa realidade
Antes que eu nela invista
Mais uma vez
Meu tempo
Meu corpo
Minha energia 
Minha vontade de viver 
Tão escassa quanto
As lagartixas que aparecem aqui em casa
Pra me visitar
E me socorrer.
Não sei explicar
Qual é o sentimento
De me sentir sendo devorada
Por alguma coisa sem nome e sem cor
Que me desintegra os nervos
De fora pra dentro
Que eu me sinto mastigada
Como um choque leve
Leve demais pra ser tolerável
Não sei explicar como é
Me sentir morrendo 
Por entre meus dedos
Desabando sobre mim
Mas sentir a morte
Mais forte que tudo
Mais real que o sol
Muda você.
Tatear o seu próprio fim
De novo e de novo
Sentir o gosto nos ossos
Saber o que é não mais existir,
Isso muda você.
Não dá pra fingir que nunca aconteceu.
Eu vivo com medo
De desabar neste mesmo buraco
Sinto que sei demais
E não consigo parar de procurar
De cutucar
No buraco do vespeiro
É uma força que vai além de mim
Me carrega com ela
E me derruba
No abismo sem fim do ser
Ou do deixar de ser.
Tenho medo de mexer com meus dedos dos pés
E abrir os olhos 
De sentir a pele
Porque acho que quando eu notar
Eu já estarei caindo lá de cima
Eu já estarei no meio do caminho.

quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2024

Translation; AG

I feel so fucking lonely
I wonder
What my mom would do
If she realized
The amount of money
I've been spending
Trying to be near you
Trying to compensate
For your absence
Trying to rehab.

I don't understand you
I never did
And likely I never will
I try to code you
To translate your actions
Your moving pictures
Your secret messages
That you may not even be aware
To be sharing;

I'm used to decrypt 
All sorts of people
But you're different.
And I wanna know
What is in your shadows
Why do you play me
What do you do it for

I try to make you songs
I try to write you something 
Because shutting myself up
Has been a tough task
I think of paintings
I think of you
I wanna lay myself on your lap
Like you're my older brother
Like I belong to you
But we can't speak to each other

Not that we don't try
It's just that we lack the tools
I don't know how 
How to
How to
Visit you
To allow you in.

I don't know how
To process
What you say to me
What you do to me
I simply don't know.

You make me anxious
You make me lonely 
And maybe
You're not even making anything
I think I'm doing it
All by myself
You may have not spoken to me
Not a single sentence
I don't think
You ever introduced yourself

With your eyes closed

I want to treat you like you treat me
But it's hard
Because you're from a different planet
And I barely know how to use your signs

And even though I'm a traveler 
Seeking for new species
To meet me
And teach me
Better ways to survive

I don't know how to read you
You're a sweet, you're a riddle
You're so common and simple
I don't know how you ended up
Opening up my mind

I try to write you some poetry
After 3am
Thinking of the door that you handmade
To invite me inside

Until you choose to walk away

I've been
Trying to teach myself
How to treat you 
As sweet as you treat me
With your both eyes closed

You don't even need to walk away
To be far from me
I know that I'm unreachable
But you don't even try

And I shouldn't be trying hard
To accomplish
Such an easy task
To choose my words so carefully
On the tip of my toes

But I don't know how to translate you
And I don't like it easy
And maybe I don't like happy 

sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2024

Sour Syrup

I swallow a whole pan of a salty chocolate
The most buttery I've ever cooked
I glue my lips on a rubber straw
In a caffeinated can
I drink one per day
Just like my mom taught me
With her eyes blurred
And sinking voice
I press my fingers against the board
Counting prices and hoping
For a money that did not yet fall
Onto my lap
Praying her to soon forget
Whatever way I'm about to fuck her
Once again
Just like my whole life,
I guess
I preach that guilt is the most useless feeling
You cannot do a thing with it
It's in the past: a place you cannot reach
But I guess it's easier
To blame her for all of her sins
To be an asshole over her being
And feel bad about it
'Cause I still will carry my benefits around 
It used to be easier to cut myself
I have been thinking about it quite a lot
Because it used to pay for my existence
It's all I have to offer,
My pain and blood
My screwed up body
For their pleasure
It's what I have to give 
To pay my debt
I don't remember how to speak my language
Or to use my birth-name
I don't remember how to walk down the streets
Of my past and future
Of my present
I don't know how to receive gifts
And be grateful for it
I'm not grateful for anything
Because it always has a price
It has been like that
Since I can remember
I survive on my own
A 60yo war
The screaming and threats
The humiliation
I survive my father and my 11years
I survive the fear
That cuts deeper than my panics
The dark fog
That poisons me at sleep
And behind my thoughts 
What solves my entire knowledge 
Of myself
I am alone,
I try to recite 
I try to drink it
As a soda dose
Sugary, easy to sip
Being alone is all I know
Don't wait for anything different 
My sugar's high and makes me sick
Nauseous, scared
I feel like I'm 3
But I'm 27
I cannot reach for a hand
I'm on my own
Maybe I shouldn't even be