sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2022


I see you
I close my eyes and see you;

I smell you
I breathe you
Through the smoke
and my polluted lungs
I feel you;

You are here.
I am you.

I hear you
Beating in my chest
How fast
The lack of coherence
A skipping balance 

I taste you
Experiment you
Try out this new type of being,
New type of place,
Which I don't recognize at all
because I am you,
And you are from another time–space
And around these new ideas
you know nothing about;

Neither are interested to, are you?
That's what I see at least;

Deeply, I listen to you
Not with my ears, you know
I feel you with my skin though
But that's quite relevant 
At each and every goosebump 
I fall in love for you
Another one more time

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