sábado, 6 de agosto de 2022


I knew when you attacked me
You could never become the rapist
I'd grown out of every man
I'd water and feed them
Fertilize it, breed it 
Give birth to my own rape
Just so I could feel myself getting hurt
By someone else
Because this was the only kind of love 
I understood
I knew everytime I looked at you
You were not able to do it
And it tricked me 
Because somehow, somewhere
I still desired for it
For you to hurt me
For you to get angry at me
But you couldn't hurt me
You were small.
Way beyond small, 
You were tiny
A little ant
Next to my giantness
And I was your monster.
I'm so sorry about it
I know a lot of it was my fault
And part of it was the reason why 
I was so neglectful 
Because I didn't want you to live that life anymore
I felt like you were having a terrible life with me
I felt responsible for it
And I felt trapped.
I wanted you to feel free
But I didn't want you to die.
I just hoped you could survive on your own
I couldn't.
I think you couldn't either.
That thought frightens me.
You died when you left the house.
I will too.
Aqueles trechos de Elena.

When I looked at you
I could see you would never be able to hurt me
And that made me realize
For the first time
I could love someone
And be safe
And I could trap you
And force you to love me back
Because you had no way out
This sense of confidence
Made me love you so deeply 
You were the most precious thing
The most precious preciosity 
I've ever loved in my life
And just the act of loving you
Was amazing for me
I miss loving you
Being able to love you
Remembering you
I miss you.
You being alive
You being here
You being.
I miss you.
All you were to me.

I'm sorry for everything.
For everything I've done to you.
I will always love you.
Thank you for your life.
You were a bless to me.
You taught me light.

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