sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2022

The blur

Every night I feel sad.
I don't speak my language;
I don't speak my name;
I don't have a name.
I am no one;
An abstract.
The lamb
Cooked on someone's meal.
On the Tiger's tongue:
Teeth and mouth,
but even my blood is transparent;
I am invisible.

Every night I pretend
I play games
I do a theater piece of nothing
An emptiness spectacle
I delete my brain
And my life
As if I was able to erase myself from
the existance whom I 
never belonged to
I don't remember
It's even hard to say what exactly 
I get myself so confused
My mind feels like it's loosing itself
Sometimes I think I lost it for good
And that comes with some sense of relief

I don't have to worry about getting mad anymore
Now I already am
I don't have to pretend to be sane no longer 

I skip pill days
Like rabbit holes
The more lost I am the better
I want to feel hurt
And I wait anxiously and willingly
for the moment where destruction 
Will find its way back to me

I want to go home
To my graveyard
I wish to disappear in the air
I'll never receive or possess
the privilege to be


I see you
I close my eyes and see you;

I smell you
I breathe you
Through the smoke
and my polluted lungs
I feel you;

You are here.
I am you.

I hear you
Beating in my chest
How fast
The lack of coherence
A skipping balance 

I taste you
Experiment you
Try out this new type of being,
New type of place,
Which I don't recognize at all
because I am you,
And you are from another time–space
And around these new ideas
you know nothing about;

Neither are interested to, are you?
That's what I see at least;

Deeply, I listen to you
Not with my ears, you know
I feel you with my skin though
But that's quite relevant 
At each and every goosebump 
I fall in love for you
Another one more time

sexta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2022


Quando eu desato meus cílios
E descaso meus lábios
Para te ouvir me ver
Baixar maré
Solto meus remos, 
Maremoto, seca
Rio com piranhas
Jacaré, arraias
Escorpião do mar
Ou do deserto
Carneiro contrariado
Sou um cordeirinho
Perto do tubarão-tigre
O pensamento de ter o mero direito
Ou chance
De ter um lar
Não confio no Deus que o fez
Que me fez
Porque se te fez, qual dos dois?
No preto ou no branco, ou
se — ainda pior — no cinza?
Porque o mínimo dos riscos
De pisar nessa estrada
De alta velocidade
Em horário de pico
É colocar em teus braços
A cria macia que me pari
Com tanto apreço e desespero
E se ao piscar os olhos
Ela te escapa os dedos
Te soa escorregadia
Pesada demais, mesmo que por
milésimos de segundo
Me sobram cacos
E levei tudo que sou
para cultivá-la
É um projeto
de toda a vida.