quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2023

Tantalum Oxide

You saw on me a victim
That you could easily play
And that's how you win it, ain't it?
Saying exactly what you think
I don't expect to hear
You wanted to affect me
But I easily forget it
It was never you whom I cared about
And you knew it
I was only obsessed over 
the compliments you gave me
And you wanted me to be obsessed
Because it wasn't healthy
And you like it unhealthy
I know you do, you don't have to lie to me
I'm a human lie detector
But I quite enjoy a well played lie
A nice built-up fantasy
I know you like the love-bombing too
I am such a mirror, did you know?
Did you like that in me?
That I'd roleplay you, while we fuck?
Did you enjoy the time
You spent around yourself?
Before realizing you had dark secrets
Hidden in the back of your mind
That you despise?

I know you're not coming back
And if you do,
It's now too late
Your gameplay was quick
It got me bored
I'm not even scared, I'm just annoyed
I have one rule
An unbreakable one
You cannot leave me alone
'Cause if you do
I'll go back on mirroring myself
And I'll turn back into something
That you'd always hate
Because I'm not a meetable person
I live in a distant planet
You turned me into him
And all I did was use you to pretend
That I had forgotten
All the trauma that he caused me
But he was one of many
He is just a symbol
And so are you
And I am not a person
I'm an abstract perception of being
A blur in the space
A shadow
Something that your eyes
Would never comprehend
Words that your mouth
Could never pronounce 

I am too far beyond your reach

terça-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2023


Safe and sound in the cold dark room
I hide under a blanket pretending
That I'm not underdressed

My burning captor, disguised under shadows
Waiting to hunt me,
Making his act, mocking my filthiness
He doesn't even know me
He doesn't even care

My sorrows,
My panics,
My broken minded kinks,
My twisted desires,
My loneliness,
The deep dark hole he left on my heart
And somewhere else
Where my "no" was swallowed
Like many many others
Of course he wasn't the first

I grew up being taught
How to dance to be a puppet
How would I fight back?
I belonged to him 
And still
Within all the rage
I have left in my heart
I still wish to be loved

Beyond the murder
And torture
That my bones nourish
And water
And I try to keep caged
But no longer wish to,
Beyond the fuck among my mess
The rock under the soil,
The petroleum
The magma that tights me up together 
My glue
Is the crave to still be loved
Not just a pleasure
A date
A kiss
A look
Deep and unsimple
Death threatening

sábado, 23 de dezembro de 2023

Fire Pit

My room is a mess
My mind is a mess
My life is a mess
My heart is a mess
My mess belongs to you.

I feel withdrawal symptoms
And a voice inside my head
That you're not coming back to me
Ever again
Not once more
I'm gonna see you
Your pretty hair
Your cute cheeks

I don't wanna loose you
But maybe that's how it's supposed to be
I don't recall being so stupid
So ignorant, so romantic
So pathetic and childish 
I don't recall being so easily violent
So controlling
But I guess this dirtyness lives in me
I am the monster's habitat
And to keep it warm,
I have to do some sacrifices 
Break a neck or two
Spread some blood on the floor
Explore the depths of the fall.

I love you.
I feel you far far far away from me.
And I'm terrified this will go away.
I need to stay.

I need to lay my soul on you
To even have a chance
To see the sun
To keep warm
In the freezing summer of this coast
When you're not here
I'm left alone
And it feels as bad as is good
When you slip through my ears
To caress my eardrums
I need to be yours
I crave it
I breathe you
All of my thoughts
Rest inside of you

I am your bed,
Your blanket
And the second between you try to stay awake
But fall apart over my arms
I am the electricity
On the point of your fingers
When you touch me
In the middle of the night
You are the blank page
Where I want to write the poems
I didn't write yet
I hope you never go.


I saw a dead fish on the sidewalk
No sea nearby
Maybe that's me without you
Maybe that's my future
Spread all over my face
A dry drown mermaid on the surface
Choked out of love
Once I heard that mermaids
had a frozen cold heart
Uncapable of love
So I guess I just miss the ocean
Because the further I get from it
The closer I get to the sun
And you're a catching fire soul
I might turn into ashes very soon.

Why would you ever love me?
Why would you listen to my sad pitch?
Why would you be attracted to anything
beyond by so fucked body?
Is it because I say I'm yours?
Have I provided enough proof yet
That I am not who you expect me to be?
Why do they think I'm chill?
I'm not chill. I'm a huge fucking mess.
I'm all over the place.
I slow talk, stutter, I never shut up,
And I don't know the words.
I don't understand you, cause I'm stupid,
And I'm so pathetic I just so hope 
you'll never want to harm me
Because you have all the means to do so.
Is that what love is?
Giving tools for someone to destroy your
miserable fucking life?

If so, I love you dearly;
I love you deeply;
It steals my oxygen;
It leaves me to dry die
On the sidewalk,
Far away from home.
I love you like a lifeless fish
That got kidnapped to become
someone's dinner
But fell on the concrete before
meeting its final purpose.
I love you like that.
Like all life have been sucked out of me
The moment you showed up
And I'm already dead
Because my heart only beats, 
When you're around.
You are my H2O.

quinta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2023


You make me feel surreal


You make me lose my words

And blindly search for them

As if I've ever met those words before

I saw the glowing in your eyes

Or the brightness of your hair

Golden, dripping on my sight

Like a ray of sunshine

To clear up my day.

You make me terrified

Not to lose you,

But to love you

To feel you,

To know what happy really is

Because I never felt so close to it

I feel like about to combust

For landing over the sun

And this is such a precipitated trip

I don't wanna fall

But I also hope to not catch fire

Although, I might be already on fire

Just by now

You just didn't realize yet.

What if I know you

Really know you

Will it suffocate me?

I'm claustrophobic 

Did you know that?

Did you know my fav character is Alice?

How much do you know about me?

What if you love

Someone that doesn't exist?

I don't wanna disappoint you

I wanna be your battery

Your recharger

I wanna be the pillow

Where you lay your head to sleep

So I can feel your breathing

Because it brings me peace.

I wanna feel your smile,

Because I do not only see it

I never just see anything

I feel it in my nerves

I feel you in my guts

That you exist

That you're in the same island

That I've always lived in.

I don't know what love is.

It feels like such a burden

And I don't want you to carry any weight.

I am a heavy backpack to be taking

Here and there.

I don't wanna be a carpet where you put your trust

And suddenly slips on the floor

Giving you bruises

On such a beautiful pale skin,

You'd look so hurt with bruises,

I rather seeing you pink.

But I guess

For you to be pink,

For you to have such a smile,

For your heart to keep warm,

And I make sure you won't freeze

With the winter of your soul

The only way for me to do it

Is to be around.

Then I'll be around.

For as long as I'm able to.

For as long as you still want me to.

Because I want you to be happy too.

segunda-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2023

O Enforcado: Mary Ann

Desperto criança e me durmo mulher
Pensamentos intrusos me afogam
Tento enforcá-los de volta
No mel azedo da noite
Antes que minha mãe me tome meus doces
Ou que as ameaças dos balões se concretizem

Eles estão todos casados,
Em suas casas, com filhos,
Com trabalhos e vidas
E eu voltando pra essa caverna
Pra lutar com minhas sombras
E provar se Platão estava certo

O melhor momento do meu bolo vermelho
É a queimadura da fôrma
E parece que minhas raízes ainda moram nessa mesma terra
Que eu nunca aprendi a me mover
Mesmo não tendo razão para ficar

Estudo as cicatrizes desse chão,
As rachaduras nas paredes,
Conto os grãos de poeira acumulados,
Mas fecho os olhos para antigas peças
Talvez eu não queira montar esse quebra-cabeça
Talvez eu só queira seguir em frente
Mas essa corrente em meus tornozelos
Não me deixa
E o peso de arrastá-la retorce toda a minha coluna

Ela me trata uma idosa
Minhas piadas se tornam agora um pesadelo
E eu não sei qual deles é mais preocupante
Sinto que pereço a cada segundo
E o que me preocupa é desejá-lo
Reflito sobre decisões póstumas
Como fosse algo cotidiano
E tento me aceitar esse estranho alienígena
Que nasci sendo

Eu brinco com fogo
De novo e de novo
Quero encontrá-la,
Pintá-la, escrever seu fim
Ninguém fez jus à menina desde o início
Ela merece no mínimo isso,
Esse fechamento
Antes que cubram meu corpo

Tento consolá-la,
Acredito que ela tem estado só há muito tempo
Numa ilha remota, muito vazia e quieta
Mas nem sei se ela se lembra
Como se comunicar

Mary Ann, eu te amo,
Eu vim te buscar,
Pra irmos pra casa.
Você ficou presa lá, eu sei.
Mas não está mais, não está.
Sei que não temos casa,
Mas você vai morar comigo agora
Eu vou te guardar no peito, no centro
Da nossa grande casa,
E de todo coelho que aparecer
Eu vou te proteger.
Você existe, eu sinto você pulsando.
E nós vamos juntas embora,
Nem que seja embora pra nunca mais.