domingo, 22 de janeiro de 2017


I don't remember your smell.
I tried on your clothes,
On your chest.
I can even try to say
I felt it for a second.
Bur I don't remember.
I tried to bring it with me
I couldn't.
I tried to bring you with me
And even got into some fights.
I didn't want to hear
Anyone else voices,
Because they could distract me
From yours.
I remember the way your voice
Vibrates through your chest
But it is fading away.
I remember your eyes
With those wet eyelashes
After I barely drawn you in my shower.
I remember watching you
From so many angles,
Trying to decorate every little piece of you.
I thought I knew you so well
But I can't remember your smell,
And I feel distant.
My heart is yours,
Always yours
But I'm a little lost
In this universe.
You're the only thing
I recognize.

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