quarta-feira, 8 de março de 2017

Half empty cups

You're leaving,

But won't tell me.
So, I scratch myself
A little
And let a pair of tears
Scape from me
In the shower.

You were supposed
To clame for the end,
But won't accept it.

You made a promise.
I remember,
But won't blame you
For telling me the truth.

You were never supposed
To love me.
And now you have to leave.

You should just come
And say it quickly,
In an easy way:
You don't love me
And you never did.

But you do.
And not even if you said it
To yourself
Another hundred times
It would make us
Work ourselves out.

One day we'll sit
One staring at the other
And as a dissatisfaction mirror
We'll say the words:

You don't love me.

And it will be true.

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