sábado, 23 de dezembro de 2023


I saw a dead fish on the sidewalk
No sea nearby
Maybe that's me without you
Maybe that's my future
Spread all over my face
A dry drown mermaid on the surface
Choked out of love
Once I heard that mermaids
had a frozen cold heart
Uncapable of love
So I guess I just miss the ocean
Because the further I get from it
The closer I get to the sun
And you're a catching fire soul
I might turn into ashes very soon.

Why would you ever love me?
Why would you listen to my sad pitch?
Why would you be attracted to anything
beyond by so fucked body?
Is it because I say I'm yours?
Have I provided enough proof yet
That I am not who you expect me to be?
Why do they think I'm chill?
I'm not chill. I'm a huge fucking mess.
I'm all over the place.
I slow talk, stutter, I never shut up,
And I don't know the words.
I don't understand you, cause I'm stupid,
And I'm so pathetic I just so hope 
you'll never want to harm me
Because you have all the means to do so.
Is that what love is?
Giving tools for someone to destroy your
miserable fucking life?

If so, I love you dearly;
I love you deeply;
It steals my oxygen;
It leaves me to dry die
On the sidewalk,
Far away from home.
I love you like a lifeless fish
That got kidnapped to become
someone's dinner
But fell on the concrete before
meeting its final purpose.
I love you like that.
Like all life have been sucked out of me
The moment you showed up
And I'm already dead
Because my heart only beats, 
When you're around.
You are my H2O.

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